We very bored one day and created a very elaborate rating scale for the opposite sex.
Minge. The term was originally discovered in a South Park episode involving Oprah Winfrey's vagina and was later used to describe a pro hoe in a small ski community.
Minge. This type of girl is the most common of all categories. Girls who fall into this category can best be described as simplistic. They are not necessarily hot nor ugly. They lie somewhere in between. Body types are varied but deep curves are a rarity. Most hook ups in life are with Minge because the resource is plentiful and readily available. Minge like movies and cheap laughs. They have also been known to like romantics and cuddling. A lot of Minge can be persuaded with alcohol and drugs.
Minge is in peak season right before spring break, perhaps to get and edge over the the Metty's and Betty's who peak later in the year.
Cringe are right under Minge, but rather than simplistic in physical attractiveness they can best be described as ugly. Take note... all gingers are cringe and usually, unless she has a very pretty face, most fat girls are cringe.
The bottom of the barrel. Research has shown that binge are the result of fetal alcohol poisoning and crack. Binge can also be a product of binge genes. Although research is lacking, there is speculation that some where in the beginning of our species, some human's genes mutated and resulted in the binge sect. These types of women usually hook up with men who are highly intoxicated with substances more potent than alcohol. I had a friend hook up with a binge when he got drunk off gas, but I would rather keep the issue under wraps.
This type of girls make up 33 percent of the population. They are more attractive than Minge but less attractive than Betties. Metty' s are very hard to conquer because most of them are already in relationships, although hookups with Metty's on the rebound are fairly common during the summer months. Minge are attracted to men who are talented and successful and it is recommended that men trying to pursue them work on their skills.
These girls are the top of the attractive ladder. They are the types of girls who steal your breath away and threaten to destroy the fabrics of your morality. When you cheat on your girl friend you do it with a Betty. It is believed that many of the great empires of the world have been destroyed by these attractive women. Actually 911 was planned and staged by a Betty, according to legend. I wish I could offer some concrete advice on how to conquer these women but I'm far to awkward to have gained any wisdom on the issue. The bible says to sleep with a Betty you must be a very rich, very important, very skilled, very attractive or a combination of all them. For the most part these girls are reserved for fantasy and should never really be considered a potential hook up unless your name is correlated with someone famous or madly prestigious in the local community.
Moving up and down
Although most women are put in the different categories based on their appearance it is very possible for women to move up and down in rank based on their personalities. A very easy to get along with minge can easily become a Metty and a very bitchy Metty can easily fall down the ranks into minge. The most common transition is a very cool metty going to Betty just because she kicks ass and has a personality better than most girls. It should be noted that in the history of this scale never has a binge made it up the ladder past cringe, their uglyness out weighs all aspects of personality.
so that is it. so next time you go on a casual cruise down the block just keep our scale in mind. It really helps and it is useful when hanging out with bros and deciding how to measure girls up.