so here are our string of pm's, and yes mine are just as immature as his, but when you argue you a 5 year old you tend to stoop to their level, and i will post mine to be fair.
the first down talking messge, from jonathan.
not trying to be a dick? hmmm thats a curious thing. what do you troll the threads all day to see how many times people post things? god just calm down if you dont have anything to contribute to a thread then why would you even view it in the first place. How do i rate you? 0/10
me: your right. i have almost a 1000 posts, you have in your low 60's. i look at how many threads you have, to see a lot. almost all of your posts come from bump posts. the clothing you have is shit, a disposable camera is better then that one, but that is neither here nor there. and if someone doesnt tell you not to make false thread titles, or 3 threads then you will keep doing it and you will have even less repsect. not my karmaz! my karma is what keeps my going! it means the world to me! im not even going to touch yours, becuase i know little pieces 13 year old shit like you would probably kill yourself if it got lowered at all. loser.
him:im sorry that i dont spend all of my days posting here on ns. the only times i even do are to buy stuff or sell stuff. how can i be on the computer all the time when i have work and have to travel back and forth to college and home like this weekend for easter. I understand that you might be mega uber sweet post man and have teh best karma in the world but you dont have to be a complete ass hole about it there is this strange invention called constructive criticism so if you do in fact think that if "someone doesnt tell you not to make false thread titles, or 3 threads then you will keep doing it and you will have even less repsect" maybe if you are so high and mighty above all of us little people then you might consider , oh god, to take the deed into your own hands and not troll my thread. i have to make more because people like you keep posting shit in all of em.
me:if im trolling the thread, your trolling the system by making all of the threads. and if you really are in college, you must have zero friends to care that much about, type all that, and care that much about karma. good day.
now lets look to who started this all.