You will always remember some epic score you and your buddies beat at a sleep over in grade school. Maybe you also have an epic story, but here is mine:
Although we are all in second year of university, N64 is still the shit. My room mate just busted out mario party 1 today. After a few rounds of 20 we said ya fuck it lets do a 50 round match. The match lasted just shy of 3 hours, alot of food, and blood sweat and tears (literally, well, no one cried, but one guy opened a cut on his hand from a mini-game that you have to spin the joystick - he spun it to hard, and im sure there were sweat beads on all of us at the end). So after all was said and done the standings were:
Mat: 4 stars, 132 coins
Me: 4 stars, 131 coins
Mike: 3 stars, 202 coins
Andrew: 2 stars 82 coins
I lost, by ONE coin. ONE. It all came down to the last mini-game, it was 1 vs. 3, i was singled out and gave out one extra coin, it was that close. fucking gnar. Anyone who has ever played a 50 round match know how long they take and how crazy it is to get that close!