Its almost midnight and i have stubled upon this thread, having not bothered to read many of the posts (i have tried, i cant really see the screen) ill give some of my opinion. Pretty far up in the post, several people mentioned Bush being an stupid, or in someway mentally handicapped. He isnt, say what you will but you arent going to set foot in the whitehouse being a retard. And on the war in Iraq, i agree with earlier posters in saying that the soldiers stationed there are volunteers, If they were part of a draft (something that still has some relevence, ask not what your country can do for you) i could see it differently. On people who believe that we are taking too many casualties in Iraq, more people died in a day during WW2 than all during Iraq so far. Although im not sure of the exact number, i believe that there have been around 400 deaths so far (correct me if im wrong). The media and many liberals(i hate the term, it is too confining, but it must do) feel that this is too many, but if we were to just pull out, and leave Iraq to the Iraqies well, lets just say that history has shown us that this is not the approach to take when you wish to create a viable nation sometime in the near future. But cant we give control of the reconstruction of Iraq to the UN? No, they dont want it, whatever they say about wanting it, well, even if they do, where are they going to get the troops to keep the peace? Not france, not russia, not germany. Where will they get them? From us, America. If we give up control of the interim governance of Iraq to the UN, we will still have troops and money tied up in Iraq, but we will have no control over them.
I am not sure if i have answered all of the issues involved in this thread, infact it being late, im sure that i didnt, and what i did answer is most likely garbled at best, but take from it what you will, and feel free to flame, because everyone needs a viewpoint. But do us all a favor and give some reasons, thanks
Originally posted by strode420
'it was impressive, sort of like a gay dude taking a cock that's too big for him without screaming'