I'm not going to go and pull out quotes from every academic paper on the link between marijuana and caner because they're thousands of them (3742 on my first search).
If you can find a reliable source of information that has evidence to show there is no link between cancer and smoking weed I'd be interested to read it. But your not going to because a)it doesn't exist and b) you seem about as bright as Alaska in December. And by reputable I don't mean a guy who runs a legalise cannabis campaign with no medical or scientific training with no clue what he's talking about (we've already had that).
I'm not telling you not to smoke pot, I'm just giving you some reliable info about what it does. My drinking and flip/flopping between being a smoker/non-smoker probably does a more damage than the occasional joint. It'd be nice if cigarettes and alcohol weren't so bad for you but they're not, I accept that and I do it anyway. Its my choice but I'm not going to go around telling other people that there's no harm in it because that would be bullshit.
The fact is marijuana is dangerous, there's no two ways about it and spouting a load of complete crap, with no evidence to support your claims, on a thread for people who don't burn and are mostly kids is just DUMB, and thats why I'm correcting you. I'm also posting because a bunch of people have been jumping onto this thread and saying that pots great and doesn't do any harm. Its this minority of idiots that result in people associating weed with idiots and general douche behaviour, even though most people who burn are not. If kids decide to smoke then fine, its their choice but they shouldn't be making their decision partly based on a bunch of info thats complete bullshit. And this thread is overfilling with steaming mounds of it. Personally, I think its a dumb choice but its a dumb choice I've made a few times; enough times to know that I think getting high is a boring way to spend an evening.
If you choose to believe that pot doesn't do you damage/cause cancer then fine, but thats your BELIEF and despite what you might have heard in fairy tales things don't just come true because you believe in them.