Hi everyone !!
My name's Gazza and I'm from Spain.
I have some problems with very downwards rails.
I can already do flat rails, but last season I tried some of those downwards rails, and my hips told me not to do those again until someone tell me how to do 'em.
What happens is that I enter the rail, and when I touch he rail, I slip backwards (because I think I land with the edges on the rail), and hit my hips so badly.
So,... Can ne1 give me some tips about how to land on the rail, so that I don't slip backwards??.
I know you're gonna say: 'Just land with the skis flat on the rail'.
That's what I can't do, mates !!!
What can I do when entering the rail, or something, so that my skis land flat on he rail, and I get to rail it right to the end ??
(I mean, do have to lean myself forward, or stuff like that...)
Ok, I think that's it.
Good tips will be welcome.
Please, avoid those 'you're a stupid skier' and stuff like that. :-)
See ya,