I got into ghostriding a bit this summer intoxicated after the celtics won. i GR for fun once or twice every couple weeks now. one of thebest sessions happened yesterday with my friend matt. we were cruising back from dinner slow to A milli a pretty flat road in front of central campus when we see easily 300 soriety girls marching with Sigma letters and candles and shit about to cross the street. So we turned up the volume to full, grabbed stunna shades from the bakcseat and set our speed at 8 mph, then gas, break, dipped as we came up on the giant Cult march. I let myself go and danced wild hyphy on the roof, on the ski rack , front , back, side to side with the blinkers on and windshield wipers on full speed. Jumped back in and sped off like nothing happened. it can be gay in excess but in moderation ghoastriding is a lot of fun and can be the perfect solution to fucked up, social situations . anyone else into it?