I've been sick for 4 days now,caught the flu,so I watched the ring today,a very very spooky movie. My dad came home and brought the mail at the same time. 'Mikko,there's a letter for you. From..Sweden..?' at this point I was pretty damn curious. I rushed down in my morning robe(not sure if it's morning robe..) and checked the letter,no ticking,so it couldn't be a bomb. I opened the letter.. OH MY GOD! the new freeskier magazine with sarah burke on the cover. But what troubles me,is where the fuck did it come from? I've never evev been to the freeskier website,so no chance that I accindentally ordered it,and my dad said no fucking way did he order it,and none of my relatives know that I ski. So,this is quite a dilemma,but you,from,Malmö,Sweden,whoever you are,thanks for sending me this. and I didn't get a phonecall taht I would die in 7 days,so we can scratch that one out..
Hummingbird style: 70 times in one second.
'Nigga Please- from the makers of Cracker Ass-crackers.'