as i type this tyler is sitting behind me editing our whistler segment to a depeche mode song. we are staying up late as all editing film crews do trying our best to make "yea dude" a film you will enjoy.
we went grocery shopping a couple days ago so that we would not have to leave the house as much. so far we have cooked a pancake breakfast, a pasta dinner, a weird salad tyler makes consisting of cold beans, salad, avacado, dressing, chicken tuna, syrup, and red bull. although the plan was not to eat out, we find ourselves going to a local pizzaria and starbucks (i don't drink coffee). the short walk or skate down to these places is filled with exotic cars, women of all types, muscle dudes, volleyball players, the ocean sounds, and dogs.
we take snooses (sp) every couple minutes to stay jazzed and have an aquired love tobacco taste. cody and the intern jeff edit commercials for our sponsors and dvd extras. julien compiles photos for our dvd booklet and dvd cover. johnny is multitasking between his windsurfing movie and the ski movie. the guy never sleeps and always has a smile.
we will be surfing tonight at seven o'clock; wish me luck.
there is a local bar called the dragon which all the boys tell me is tremendously fun; we will go when a few more goals are accomplished.
pray for us and we will pray for you.