Well, my High Societys sidewall cracked!!!! so its time for new skis. I really like the weight and demensions on my old Line Skogen Pros (train with orange). But I dont like their flex. I loved the High Society's Flex.
I want a twin tip obviously but I havent spent too much time in the park recently. I want to start spending more time there so im not sure if I want a huge ski or not. Im 6'1 and a little bigger. I really like smaller companies so I was looking at Faction. Im not sure if I want the Wednesdays or the 3.Zero. Do you think the wednesdays will be lighter then my High Societys? What about the 3.Zeros? I was also looking at the Volkl Karmas or Gotamas.
I think I will definatly not go for a center mount. I need something that handles a little better in powder and mogules.