Last night me and my girlfriend were in a fight so i was liek fuck it I'm going skateboarding. It was like 1am. So I'm skating around and shit and caught a rock and fell and was pissed and broke my board.
So down the road there is a party and someone yelled way to break your board pussy or something like that I don't remember. So I go over and am like "who the fuck said shit about me braking my skateboard. And no one said anything so I was like "good your too much of a pussy" so a bunch of kids come out and they are saying shit and I am saying shit and its like 14 kids now. So someone from the group throws a punch and I duck that tackle the kid and punch him a few times but then his friends jump in and 14 kids beat the fuck out of me. but it ends and I'm fine and they run cause someone said cops. So I am pissed.
So 10 minutes later