Replying to Irony?
Isnt it sort of funny how when paul cotter did the back flip to rail there wasnt really a huge uproar, and i imagine people were like that isnt where skiing needs to be goin. Now that fuckin rodeos and flatspins have been done on to rails, is that the right direction. is a flip on a rail not cool unless its a rodeo or flatspin. The poin im trying to make is that flips and shit of this caliber have been done onto rails before and no one really seemed to appreciate it. Maybe because it was paul cotter, one of the most underated names in skiing, and not a common household name like cory vanular. Basically like a name brand influence to a dollar store brand. Why must we be so god damn influenced by the "popular" crowd. Skiing is turning into fucking mtv. pretty soon were gonna have streaming video with the "top 40" skiers, and a request hour on ns radio about who is whos favorite skiier and who they want to give a shoutout to. Props to vanular and all those guys if there were ne other doin the rodoes and shit, but newschoolers, grow some individuality and stop jerkin off with the community.
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