This is the hidden trailer from level1productions new skimovie Long story short.
You must do this things to see it, because its like I say hidden!
1. Go in here:
2. Write your email in the square you se and after that press GO
3. You should now se a text above the square were you write down yor email.
4. Mark the text you see, but dont stop. contineu to marking after the text too.
5. You should now se this text: "While you are here, want to see the new Level 1 teaser?" press on the word "teaser" .
6. Wait a litle bit and then press "save" at the new square that comes up and the trailer is now downloading.
pju, that was hard to write all those word at english. please have indulgence over the miss spelings and stuff.. Im only a young Swedish kid who rather ski then work my ass of on the english lessions.
hope you understand thogh