E3 was las week. and next E3 will be in May 2007.
The PS3 is going to come out in Nov 2006 in the US, in japan and in Europ on the same day in two versions a 20 gig for 500 and a 60 gig version for 600
the Wii has no price set yet but Microsoft teamed up with them and anounced that buying an Xbox 360 now and buying a Wii will cost less than buying a Ps3
also The Wii will be able to play every NES game, SNES game, N64 game, and gamecube game ever made, a 20 years of Nintendo games database will be available (for money of course) to Wii owners.
Zelda will be a launch title and is a must own game
this is the controller for the Nintendo Wii it looks werid but OMG is it great. first person shooters, Mario Warez, Zelda, this controller rocks at everything
ohh and for the PS3 I wouldnt recomend the $499 version of the PS3 since it might become useless for blueray movies in a couple of months