I know I am guilty of this too, but i believe it is a big problem for our sport in general, so here it goes...
Whenever i see another skiier in the park, in the lodge, in the lift line, anywhere on the hill, I IMMEDIATLEY look at there equipment, then outfit, then i start judigng there skiing. I know I'm getting judged right away too when people look at me, and the way i ride. I'm not the best skiier but i try hard and bust my ass a lot, but it seems like if you can't throw 270 swtchup 270 out, you don't get to see the light of day in the park. People won't say shit, or even acknowledge that you and him are the only 2 skiers in the park. With the little number of skiiers at resorts compared to boarders, i think we shouldn't be so quick to judge. It is almost to the point of like insecurity, jealous/envious type shit. It's fucking gay and i wish people would just ride and be cool with each other. I don't have a single buddy who skis, all board and when i see skiiers its cool to ski with them, but i think that has happened like once since i started really park skiing about 2 years ago. People need to be more open and friendly to people trying to learn or help them as long as they aren't hurting the hits/rails/boxes, and they are trying hard to get somethign then why talk shit, or why waste your time purposely trying to make them feel inferior. they already know you are a better rider, they have eyes... why do u gotta give them the cold shoulder and act all hard.
that is my rant for the day but w/e sorry kids