so we go out to our normal cliff jumping spot and im starting to do some spins on this 50 we have there...well ive spun off it a few times before and im in a good mood and say hey lets go for truck and be cool....well on the way down i clipped my foot on a rock and cut a huge U shaped cut on the back of my im in the water and im in awe i cant feel anything so i give my friends this thumbs up. them i realize im missing my show and reach down to feel my foot and just feel fleshy stuff hanging on and my actual heel bone.
so i start calling for help lots of my friends jumped in and got me to the shore and shit and then we waited for an ambulance to come.
i all the skin under my heel about halfway up my foot in the hosipital when they were cleaning it they bent the skin back and i was just looking at my heel bone sticking out the bottom of my foot. so after about an hour and a half of cleaning this they say theres not way they can get all the debris out (moth from the rock and algae and stuff from the rocks in the water) so they staple my whole foot up and bandage me up. now they couldnt stop it from bleeding so i have to go in every two days to get my bandages changed and my foot cleaned.
aparently im really lucky and missed my achilles(sp) tendon which would have been bad and put me out for the season..
as for skiing it matters if the cut gets infected or not seeing as they couldnt get all the debris out they said it probably will get infected...they gave me antibiotics to prevent that but if it does ill probably miss the start of the season and if it dosent ill probably be now im sitting in bed at home hopped up on painkillers while my foot bleeds into these ever more heavy bloodied bandages heres some pics and video:)

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