After hanging out for the Boulder stop of the DNA Evolution Rail Jam Tour, we did a little partying and began our drive from Colorado to Oregon at about 2 in the morning. After sleeping for an hour or so, we woke up in the middle of nowhere to find that our car was unable to start. We borrowed some jumper cables from a russian truck driver who didn't speak any english and flagged down some lovely ladies to help jump our car.

Apparently, his truck was also non-operable.

On the long, boring road again.

Since I lived in Portland for a couple years, I showed Steve around a little. First stop was the 30th floor of the US Bank building for a little high-class happy hour overlooking downtown portland.

A scenic river-walk.

The next day, it was off to Hood for our first day on snow. (more real skiing pics coming soon)

Then Steve and I were off to explore some of Oregon's lovely waterfalls.

When we got back to my friend Nick Birrenkott's house, I noticed some adolescent raccoons stuck high in a fence across the street, so off we went to interact, take some pictures, and help get them down. After coaxing them down to the ground, they scurried off in search of their family.

The next blog update should have us adventuring to some secret hot springs, building a back-yard jib set up, skiing at Windells, and visiting the Columbia/Convert World Headquarters, plus whatever other crack-head shit happens to us.