Another year and SuperUnknown has come and gone. Year after year the talent pool grows and this was no exception with possibly one of the most stacked rosters we've seen yet. Add in the fact that the Winter Park crew approached things with a "your wish is my command" attitude and I'd say this was one of the most exciting and productive SuperUnknown finals to date.
In true Colorado spring fashion, day 5 saw the worst weather yet so the majority of it was spent building and throwing snowballs. Keegan, Mike and Quinn attempted to step up to the discovery lift tower feature, which was a massive gap through the top of a chairlift platform and onto a down rail. Unfortunately the weather made it tricky and boys pretty unanimously decided there wasn't much potential for more than straight hits straight hits so they decided to send it to an early grave.

Quinn (photo: Chip Proulx)

Keegan (photo: Chip Proulx)
The following day we had a surprise visit from the notorious @fuccboytroy who joined us on the hill and gave me a much appreciated break from snapchat duties. After eying it for a few days, we finally got approval to use the landing of the aerials ramp and set up a u-rail with such a steep landing and so many bomb holes that they may as well have been sending it off a cliff into spring chop. Possibly most exciting was watching Henri throwing his ski slide to front flip. At one point he went back to grab his helmet and we were all convinced he was going to step to a double. With each hit we collectively held our breath praying to the Griz (the Fernie Snow god) that he didn't hit his head again, but luckily his better judgement stepped in and he played it safe.

Henri doing a front flip out (photo: Chip Proulx)

Siver grabbing nose (photo: Chip Proulx)
Next up we headed to up to the C to down rail feature. Having just snowed another 6 inches or so the boys got to enjoy powder slashes on the way in, the rail itself, and also little powder booter just afterwards. Siver definitely owned this session with a front swap pretz 2 and an absolutely ludicrous blind 3 swap pretz 2, which was all the more impressive considering by that point the c rail was so loose it wobbled a good foot in each direction when hit.

Henri on the C (photo: Chip Proulx)

Brody gettin barrelled (photo: Chip Proulx)
Considering many had to be on the road by 6 AM on the Monday, that Saturday night was designated 'rager' and the diggers invited us out to the local bowling alley/pool hall/movie theatre/brick oven pizza place. Kellan Baker turned out to be a ringer and led us to victory in a 4 on 4 Winter Park vs. Level 1 game despite them being the clearly superior bowlers. A little bit of luck and a lot of alcohol definitely helped level the playing field. Less than an hour after getting back to the hotel the Molesquad boys had already topped off the better part of a bottle of vodka and the rest of the boys were well on their way to a good old fashion blackout.

Ringer (photo: Chip Proulx)
Hangovers aside we were out on the hill the next afternoon for one final jump session - a big old booter out of a halfpipe. With almost a foot of fresh snow in the landing, you'd hardly believe it wasn't the BC Backcountry. Despite snow in the forecast, the Griz pulled through and the sun popped for one perfect sunset shoot, with private sled laps to the top for pow runs in between hits. Unfortunately Keegan didn't see a closure rope and clotheslined himself pretty badly, taking him out for the day, but regardless the session went off. Kellan impressed with a massive rodeo 7 and cork 7 double nose grab and Quinn capped things off with a perfect switch dub 9.

Kellan (photo: Grant Whitty)

Quinn (photo: Grant Whitty)
Having wrapped up shooting for the week there was nothing left to do but announce the winner. There's no doubt that everyone had killed it in their own right. Quinn had some of biggest spins and axis variations in and out of features, Sam, Mike, Kellan and Simen came heavy with the style, Siver and Jacob laid down some insanely technical rail tricks, and Brody brought his own back-country flair to the park, but in the end I think it was a pretty unanimous decision that Keegan deserved the top spot.
While others may have dominated a handful of features, he consistently stepped to and laid down bangers in every single session, and that's what set him apart. Maybe things could have been shaken up if Henri hadn't been massively concussed on day 1 because even at 50% he laid down some pretty ridiculous Ruka flavor, but it just wasn't in the cards for him this year.

And the winner is...Keegan Kilbride
Finals Part 3
Finals Part 2
Finals Part 1
Keegan's entry video