Photo from Richard T. Sawyer

Arapahoe Basin announced a few days ago that they were going to open up today which meant all of Colorado was going to be trying to get that coveted first chair! /claim

"Fuck yea! Opening day is the best! I can't wait to get off the lift to just get back in line." - Everyone at ABay this morning.

"Locals" flocked to get in the best turns of the season so far. The local Mountain Report correspondent Karl, stated that he "saw one man take about 3 turns and proceed to get back in line....halfway up the run!" Seems like it was really worth making the trip out. While the lines were a bit ridiculous at the resort, those pale in comparison to that of I-70 this morning.

I've been in line for about 3 hours but it'll be totally worth the wait to get a few turns on shitty snow then get back in line again!

Now, ABay's opening day line wasn't quite as bad as any of these mid-season lines at Vail but holy shit, why would you even waste your time going? Chad Billingsworth, a Sigma Chi from CU Boulder, exclaimed that "it's all about getting out with your bros, crushing some Natty Ice, & shredding the gnar as early as possible so we can get back to the frat for gameday tomorrow! What's not to love?" Maybe Chad has a point; you can slam a bunch of brews in a line that takes 3 hours to get to the front of, so there's that. Winter is coming & the lines are only getting worse....


If you like lines on the hill, you'll love the new Adidas outerwear collection for skiers:

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